BJ Services

Container Security: BJ Block Lock

The BJ Block Lock is an innovative locking system designed to secure your maritime, land, or storage containers. It combines strength, practicality, and compliance with international standards to provide optimal protection against theft and unauthorized access.

Equipped with ISO PASS 17712-2013 security seals, it meets the requirements of transport and logistics professionals. Its unique design, made from high-strength steel with a nickel-chrome finish, ensures durability and reliability.

Who Should Use the BJ Block Lock and Why?

Who Is It For?

  • Transport and Logistics Professionals: Secure containers during land or sea transport.
  • Exporters of Sensitive Goods: Ideal for wine, spirits, electronics, and pharmaceuticals.
  • Storage Companies: Effectively protects on-site containers from intrusions.

Why Use It?

  • Enhanced Security: Robust design ensures optimal protection against theft and tampering.
  • Standards Compliance: Includes marine-grade seals recommended by insurers for high-value goods.
  • Ease of Use: Simple to install and compatible with various container types.
  • Versatility: Option to order multiple locks operable with a single key for streamlined stock management.

Technical Features of the BJ Block Lock

The BJ Block Lock stands out for:

  • Material: Made of steel with a nickel-chrome finish, offering corrosion resistance.
  • Maximum Pressure Supported: Can withstand up to 14 tons, ensuring exceptional strength.
  • Non-Replicable Keys: Three keys provided for enhanced security.
  • Included Marine Seals: Compliant with ISO PASS 17712-2013 standards.
  • Packaging: Delivered in cartons of 4 handles, each individually packaged.
  • Unit Weight: 5.10 kg

Container Lock: The advantages of the BJ Block Lock

The BJ Block Lock offers reliable, durable, and practical protection for securing your containers and meeting the needs of professionals:

  • Theft Protection: Designed to withstand high pressure and corrosion, effectively safeguarding your goods.
  • Durability: Made from proven steel, built to last even in the most demanding conditions.
  • Optimized Management: A practical system with unique keys for multiple locks, simplifying daily operations for logisticians.
  • Recommended by Insurers: Provides peace of mind for sensitive goods.

Why Choose BJ Services?

BJ Services positions itself as a trusted partner for container security. We offer tailored solutions that meet each client’s specific needs, considering the nature of their operations and the types of goods being transported. Our commitment to technological innovation ensures smooth and efficient operations, regardless of the volume or type of goods in transit.

Our team of experts supports each client at every stage, from risk assessment to the implementation of security solutions. By choosing BJ Services, you gain complete peace of mind while optimizing the efficiency and reliability of your logistics operations.

Contact us to enhance the security of your containers

Don’t leave anything to chance when it comes to protecting your goods. Trust BJ Services for reliable, tailored solutions designed to meet the challenges of modern transport. Together, we will ensure the security and success of your operations.